Rink Rats
I've been fully occupied with my new best friends: The Aldrich Long Blade Club. Shown here on a recent Sunday is Art Seaman, seated on the left, who competed in the 1948 Olympics as a speed skater from Powderhorn Park. He also dances three days a week and has a part time job as a Jack-of-all-Trades. Bob Carbone, seated on the right, is a rambunctious Italian from the West side of St. Paul. He has lived in his childhood home since before WWII. He skates three times a week and cares for an ailing older sister. The woman in the center is currently unidentifiable.
I recently was given a pair of long blades skates and hope to have Kenny Bartholomew sharpen them for me. Hopefully, I'll be able to take a test spin this Sunday and see if I can progress to the Roseville Ice Oval.
Apollo, here I come.